With decay is the lowering of the TT-value of any Item ment , which is caused by using this item.
Most common decays are on : weapons,armor,finder tools,excavators,reapair tools,FAP’s,
Fap / fapping : fast/first aid pack is the common general discription for any healing tool in entropia
fapping is the paramedic which is healing / fappers are hired often as paramedic on hunting operations
GL : Guestlist , ment is the guestlist of a spacecraft
MU : Mark-Up
see here :
MS : Mothership
see here :
PL : Pilotlist , pilot lists existing on spacecrafts which doing training sessions, usually each pilot has 1 hour, then is a turn over
Quad : is the short for “Quad Wing Interceptor”
SIB: Skill Increase Bonus , SIB is on some items during they are not maxed. the skill gain has improved as long this items are not maxed out.
summon : a summon is a direct-teleport from any spot of a planet to the “summoning” spacecraft which is docked at the Space-station which contributes to the planet.
TT: Trade-Terminal
This can mean 2 things. First its the word used for the trade terminal interface where players can buy equipment ,weapons,armor and ammunition etc… If someone is using this short in a “trade-talk” he means the TT-value. thats the amount of ped a T-Terminal would give you.
TP : Teleporter
This stationary devices are used to “beam” from one located TP to another one which can be pretty far away.This technologie reminds on “Beaming” from Star Trek. TP’s are a common travel method in entropia.