There are many different kind of vehicles in Entropia Universe.
Cars,Boats,Spaceships,Helicopters,and Hover-Bikes.
This Article is aboout general usage of vehicles and what u need to service your vehicle.
All vehicles except Spaceships need primary only OIL and REAPIRS.
Spaceships need additional a Space Thruster (L) , if u want to space traveling from planet to planet.
The Space Thruster (L) is needed for leave and re-entry the atmosphere of a planet.
Each use have a decay of 0.10 PED.
so planet to planet are 2 uses
(leave and re-entry).
To equip a Thruster to your Spaceship, drag&drop the thruster to the unspawned spaceship in your inventory.
Then u need for Reapair a RK-5 KIT and Welding Wire (Ammo for RK-5).
Equip the Kit under Tools , select your spawned vehicle and “use” the tool
To fuel your vehicle , Drag&Drop the refined OIL from your inventory into the spawned vehicle.
Very useful command buttons are in the actionslibary.
“Exit-Seat” ->> Leaving the vehicle (faster then doing by rightclick)
“”Recall-all-vehicles” ->>
vehicles are brought back to 1. storage on planetside 2. your inventory if your are in space
Creating a short-button on your screen to spawn the vehicle without opening your inventory is made by open the “Settings configutration” (press “L”) and drag&drop the unspawned vehicle from your inventory to your screen.