Hi ,
Today im wanna talk a about a very important thing in the Mining Profession.
Not all Finder Amplifier working in the same way on your cash-flow if you use Limited (L) Amplifier.
Most Miners think , i buy level 2 amps for 106% , or level 5 for 109% thats a difference of 3% what i need to recover. That shouldn’t be a problem………………
Thats wrong…….
In this article i will explain you WHY !!
The important difference is that the MarkUp is split by the percentage how much TT-burn the Finder Amplifier does.
What does the dude mean ? :0
Ok here is a example.
Lets say you do a mining session with a fixed amount of drops.
Lets say we go for Ore only, in the one example we use level 2 finder amplifier (lvl2) and in the other we use level 5 finder amplifier (lvl5).
We say we will have in both cases same conditions.
So 80% TT-return and we sell the ores with a average MarkUp of 130%.
That this cases are compareable we need to cycle the double amount of PED , cause otherwise we wouldnt use bigger Amps !!! <<— Important !!!
PED cycled (dropped in the ground) = 5000 PED
80% TT Return : 4000 PED
MarkUp gain needed to fix loss : 1000 PED
The MarkUp for the Finder Amplifier : 106%
probes : 20 ( 1.0 PED)
Finder Amplifier decay : 0.5 PED
cost per Drop Total : 1.5 PED
Markup is payed by 1/3 (33.33%) on your Ammunition !!!
5000 PED *0.3333 == 1666.5 PED (Ammo portion who has MarkUp included)
1666.5 x 1.06 (106% MU of lvl2 amps) – 1666.5 = 99.99 PED pure MarkUp for amps of this session
Ok now we come to the cash-back after your mining :
4000 PED return x 1.30 (130% average markup) == 5200 PED
pure MU-gain =>> 5200 PED – 4000 PED (TTvalue of the ores u sold) = 1200 PED
Profit : 1200 PED (MU-gain) – 1000 PED (TT loss of the session) – ~100 PED ( MU for lvl2 amps )
== >>> 100 Ped Profit after the mining session of cycling 5000 ped with LVL 2 amps
(decay and fuel cost are not included !!!)
Number of theoretical Drops = 5000 PED / 1.5 PED per drop = ~ 3333 drops
2. Case LEVEL 5 Finder Amplifier :
The sense of bigger Amps is that we cycle in a shorter time a larger amount of PED, so i double for this case the investments because the use of lvl 5 amps is exactly double in the cost PER DROP !!
PED cycled (dropped in the ground) = 10000 PED
80% TT Return : 8000 PED
MarkUp gain needed to fix loss : 2000 PED
The MarkUp for the Finder Amplifier : 109% (lvl 5 are more expensive then lvl 2)
probes : 20 ( 1.0 PED)
Finder Amplifier decay : 2 PED
cost per Drop Total : 3 PED
Markup is payed by 2/3 (66.66%) on your Ammunition !!!
10000 PED *0.6666 == 6666 PED (Ammo portion who has MarkUp included)
6666 x 1.09 (109% MU of lvl2 amps) – 6666 = 599.94 PED pure MarkUp for amps of this session
Ok now we come to the cash-back after your mining :
8000 PED return x 1.30 (130% average markup) == 10400 PED
pure MU-gain =>> 10400 PED – 8000 PED (TTvalue of the ores u sold) = 2400 PED
Profit : 2400 PED (MU-gain) – 2000 PED (TT loss of the session) – ~600 PED ( MU for lvl2 amps )
== >>> 200 Ped LOSS after the mining session of cycling 10000 PED with LVL 5 amps
(decay and fuel cost are not included !!!)
Number of theoretical Drops = 10000 PED / 3 PED per drop = ~ 3333 drops
I didnt cater on cost for fuel or decay’s because in the end it doesnt matter that much.
I want to show miners and special NEWCOMERS a very important mathematic mechanic in matter of mining.
The essence is , so bigger the Amp is, so more in % you have to pay for your total TT-burn.
This influences aswell the total amount of ped you gain after a LONG-RUN.
u see , same conditions , same time-frame, same amount of drops but the one session was 100 PED WIN and the other session with a tiny difference of 3% markup for the amps made 200 PED LOSS !!!
So choose wisely if u have to expect enough TT-Return and if the Markup its worth to use the bigger Amps.
I hope you enjoyed this post and please share this link with all people you think it could
be interesting or maybe….important for them.
Many Greets your
Redeye 😉